Last updated
🔗 Pre-registration Link: click here
🕗 Pre-registration Date: March 12 ~ April 11
🕗 Pre-registration Result: April 11
🫂 Total Quota for Guaranteed Key: Depends on the Actual Situation
✅ Both Awakened Hero NFT & Odyssey Pass Holders will have 100% chance to get the Guaranteed Key
✅ Specific Ronin NFT Holders will go thru. a lottery to get the Guaranteed Key
If you are already an Odyssey Pass holder, you need to register to secure a spot for the OBT. After the lottery, you will receive a Guaranteed Key with 100% certainty.
If you don’t have a Heroic Spirit Chest or an Odyssey Pass but own specific Ronin NFTs, you’ll receive Ronin Ecosystem Point when you register. Holders must register to secure a spot for the OBT. After the lottery, you will have a chance to receive a Guaranteed Key. At the end of the pre-registration period, we’ll draw winners at random based on the number of Ronin Ecosystem Point held. The more specific Ronin NFTs you own, the higher your chances of securing a key!
The Ronin Ecosystem Point is calculated based on the Ronin NFT assets you hold, as specified in the list. At the end of the pre-registration period, we will randomly draw winners based on the number of Ronin Ecosystem Points held. The more Ronin Ecosystem Points you have, the greater your chances of winning guaranteed access to the Open Beta Test.