Last updated
🕗 Pre-Reg Duration: March 12 - April 04
🕗 OBT Duration: April 08 - May 07
🎁 Ultimate Prize Pool: $ODY Airdrops to top commanders
🎁 Raffle Reward Pool: Various NFTs from Ronin Ecosystem Partners
🎁 Battle Pass Reward Pool: Various Precious In-game items
✅ No data wipeout
To ignite the excitement, Last Odyssey has partnered with 10+ ecosystem contributors to assemble a priceless reward pool. Various NFTs from contributors valued at more than 10,000 USDT, await their rightful commanders.
During the event, participants who accumulate Kill Points (KPs) will be entered into a raffle for these exclusive rewards.
To further extend our community network to even wider, commanders holding the following NFTs are eligible to pre-register for a Guaranteed Key:
When Ronin announced Last Odyssey as part of its Forge Program, it marked a significant milestone for the community. To show our gratitude, holders of Ronin Ecosystem NFTs are invited to pre-register for a Guaranteed Key—your gateway to joining Warfare.
Eligibility is determined by a weighted point system based on the type of NFT you hold. For example, if you own two Axies (each worth 100 Ronin Ecosystem Points) and one Lumiterra Game Item (worth 2 Ronin Ecosystem Points), you would receive a total of 10 Ronin Ecosystem Points (100 × 3 + 10 × 2). These tickets will be entered into a lottery for a chance to secure a spot in Warfare.
With only 888 NFTs in circulation, the Odyssey Pass has become a symbol of prestige among core community members.
Beyond offering exclusive perks in prior campaigns like The 1st ⚔️ - Kingdom, Odyssey Pass holders are now 100% guaranteed an Guaranteed Keys for Warfare.
The Awakened Hero collection, limited to just 6,868, serves as the key to accessing ODY tokens through Play-to-Earn mechanics. To acquire an Awakened Hero, you must purchase a Heroic Spirit Chest NFT on Mavis Market and reveal it. >Similar to Odyssey Pass holders, Awakened Hero holders are 100% guaranteed to receive an Guaranteed Keys for Warfare. Important Note: Heroic Spirit Chest NFTs DO NOT QUALIFY for Guaranteed Keys unless they are revealed to obtain an Awakened Hero.